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The REAL Reason Slim Charles Killed Cheese | The Wire Explained
Why Did Cheese Betray Proposition Joe? | The REAL Reason | The Wire Explained
The Wire - Prop Joe warns Slim Charles about Cheese
The Wire -- Slim Charles Kills Cheese
Marlo didn't steal Stringer's dream...Slim Charles did.
Avon's reaction after Stringer's death (The Wire)
THE WIRE-Slim Charles ~Last Man Standing
Why Did The Greek Choose Marlo Over Proposition Joe? The Wire Explained
Why Didn't Bodie Join Eastside After The Barksdales Fell? The Wire Explained
The Wire - Marlo's Out of the Game
Why Didn't The Co-op Just Kill Marlo? | The Wire Explained
Omar kills Stinkum, then says the greatest line in TV History (The Wire)